Help Foundation is distributing food to poor homeless elderly people who lives near Railway stations, bus stops and foot paths in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. We distribute freshly prepared Hot Rice with Dal and also we also distribute Bananas to the homeless people. Especially in this summer it’s very tough to live without shelter.


Foundation is here to raise funds for the people of the roadside and elders who were not having blankets. Still, many underprivileged who cannot afford even a blanket are sleeping on roadside footpaths in Andhra Pradesh. Let us give some warmness to this homeless. We have already done a few Blanket Distribution drives earlier. So please donate a Blanket and save some homeless from freezing nights sleeping on the roadside without a blanket.

donate to poor

Help Foundation main aim is to that no one should go hungry we run this activity to help the poor people who are homeless like beggars and the elderly people who left on roads by their relatives there are no one to look after to them so we are helping these kind of people by feeding them. Feed the Needy is main activity of our Help Foundation.
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